Are you a computer science student who is familiar with react developers? Do you find the development of reactions fascinating? If so, this article is for you. We will assist you with the react developer roadmap, which will guide you through your journey from novice to the skilled and experienced developer over time. React Developer React.js/React is a comprehensive JavaScript library used to create user interfaces or the front-end of a web application. React is declarative, simple, component-based, fast, easy to learn, extensive, and supports the application's server-side. It has also piqued the interest of the open-source community. React is currently used by companies such as Netflix, Instagram, Uber, Airbnb, Reddit, and LinkedIn, among others, and is supported by Facebook. Now, let's look at the steps you can take to become a react developer in the future. 1. The Fundamentals Whatever library or framework you choose to learn for web development course , it is...